Category Archives: Social Psychology

Psychology Video (Assignment 3)

Video Clip (10 %), Report (15%), Presentation(5%)

  • The third project consisted of 2 components which include making up a video clip by incorporating the concepts learned in class,
  • written report of the clip and presenting the clip to the class. This project allows students to recognize and identify the connections among concepts and perspectives within psychology and with other disciplines.

The video is a group project of 4. This assignment requires good teamwork between its members to complete. One of the things I have improved from doing this assignment is working as a team. We had to brainstorm ideas for the video and work together during the video shooting. Some of the ideas that we had discussed were have a hidden camera record students’ reactions to scenes we create on campus, interview students regarding scenes that we act out, or create a short movie based on our own storyline. We chose creating a storyline then film it by ourselves as it is more fail-proof than the other option. To come up with the script we had to choose which concepts we wanted to have in the story and think of how we can fit it in.

Psychology Comic (Assignment 2)

  • Group assignment of 4
  • A comic strip with a storyline and storyboard incorporating 5 concepts from 5 different chapters.
  • The focus will be a single comic piece with social psychological concepts
  • You are to present the comic and ins story and after which explaining the concepts that were used

This assignment taught me how to use the concepts in psychology to produce a story. To be able to incorporate psychology concepts in the comic, we had to understand the concepts in depth before writing the story. The assignment helped me further improve my understanding of the concepts as we as a group had to discuss how to use the concept and what does the concept means.

Psychology Journal (Assignment 1)

The first project requires student to write a journal by incorporating the concepts learned in class.

The journal is designed to assess students’ ability in applying theories and concepts to their personal lives and that of others.


From this assignment, I have learned how to use the knowledge from lectures and apply it in my daily life. I can use the concepts learned to improve my communication with other people. Also, this assignment has made me become more observant of other people’s behaviors and understand the reason the act the way they are.